tv whore, movies, tv: fringe, tv: ai, tv: spn, tv: lost, the suck: work

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  • head explode

    heather13 Feb 09, 2009 19:25

    Who is this Adele and why does she remind me of Fiona a bit? Is she any good ( Read more... )

    music, goodies: cooking, tv whore, movies, tmi: wedding, the suck: work

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  • stab

    heather13 Oct 22, 2008 09:36

    Sometimes I HATE my job. So much that I think my head might explode from the pressure of my brain boiling (hi, Fringe!). There's just all this bullshit that I do not want to deal with and people I do not want to deal with. I know I'm never going to leave here but it's a nice idea some days when the hate is too much to take.

    TV! )

    tv: heroes, tv whore, tv: fringe, tv: the office, tv: spn, tmi: wedding

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  • too much stuff...brain exploding

    heather13 Sep 29, 2008 09:10

    Okay! I have NKOTB concert reportage but I want to do it with pictures and I pretty much killed my battery about 1/2 way through so that won't be until I get home and can buy more. In a word: Awesome. In a couple: My ears will never be the same.
    The Office )

    otp: jim/pam, tv whore, music: concerts, tv: the office, tv: spn

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  • question

    heather13 Sep 25, 2008 21:59

    So I didn't notice this last week but I did this week -

    SPN title card )

    tv whore, tv: spn, fic: mine

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  • bad bad bad week

    heather13 Sep 17, 2008 09:19

    So I'm back from Indianapolis. A conference on database software. Yeah, that was fun. Some things were useful but in the long run, I don't know how beneficial it is or if it's worth the money. However, next year they do it in Vegas so I may just have to do it again just so I can go to Vegas. D & I think he'll come with me and we'll have a pre- ( Read more... )

    the suck: cars, tmi: health, tv shows on dvd, tv whore, hate stab die, tv: fringe, tv: hbo shows, tmi: wedding

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  • is it the weekend yet?

    heather13 Aug 28, 2008 14:23

    I did go home yesterday because, well, I didn't feel well from not taking my thyroid meds for like a week so I was feeling all kinds of wonky and dizzy and cranky but also because OMG I HATE WORKING. It's not like I'm being at all productive. I need to snap out of it. I'm just so bored. How do you go about forcing yourself to work? Everything ( Read more... )

    tv whore

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  • i don't want your foot money

    heather13 May 23, 2008 09:19

    I'm having crazy problems with my ears. They're telling me it's allergies and that's fine but good god, when will it end??? It just hurts and it is itchy and annoying.

    I have been capping/rewatching season 2 of TO. Yeah. There is no bad here. And, um, I liked the finale. If I had a rock, I'd totally put a suck on this note on it.

    The Office )

    tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: moonlight, tv whore, goodies: music, tv: himym, tv: the office, the suck: work

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